Well spring has well and truly sprung, and a change of season not only brings out the warmer weather and the beautiful flowers, but it also kicks off the time of year that marks the best time to sell your home.

As many home owners are facing the possibility of selling in a depressed housing market, in order to get the best value out of your property you really need to get more proactive in order to get the most out of your sale.

There is a huge amount of small and relatively cheap improvements that can be done to a property to increase not only the saleability of the property but to also increase the end value. Below are just a few small inexpensive steps you can take to get the absolute most out of your property sale:

  • Remove excess furniture and household items.
  • Clear out and tidy cupboards and shelves. Ditch old magazines and sort through and tidy up any paperwork.
  • Give your home a good scrub inside and out, including gutters, windows and walls. Pay particular attention to kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Tidy up over grown gardens by trimming lawns, raking up leaves, applying new mulch and sweeping paths.
  • Repair or replace anything that does not work, that squeaky gate, the broken light, the missing house numbers.

Don’t forget that first impressions count. It may be helpful to enlist a fresh pair of eyes to view the property. More often than not they pick up things you have not even noticed.

Spring has sprung

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