Ok with the start of any year we all make new resolutions to improve ourselves, with the main resolutions being diet and fitness. But another resolution that always seems to pop up is to ‘be more organised’. So let’s focus on this one…
What stops us from being organised? One of the main reason is clutter!! Clutter that is cluttering up our spaces (including our head space). Do you really need all that stuff?
How about you make your resolution to purge 2011 items in 2011? Do you think you could do it? Do you have 2011 items that you could live without? Do you have more?!?
It may seem like a lot, but really it works out to about 5 items a day. I think we all could easily dispose of 5 items a day.
You will be amazed that once you clear your physical space…your mental space will be so much clearer also.
If you need a hand you could see the lovely ladies as Sorted to help you out.