Natural lighting has a truly magical way of transforming a space. Allowing sunlight to enter a room can make all the difference to how the space looks and feels. What is even more magical is how the room appearance shifts and changes as the sun moves across the sky throughout the day or the transition of the clouds can play with the natural lighting effects within a room.

There are some simple and highly effective ways in which you can incorporate natural lighting into your home to not only change the look but also the feel of the spaces within.

natural lighting - remove window coverings

Photo by Eduard Militaru on Unsplash

1. Remove internal window coverings

Window coverings serve a purpose to block out prying eyes into your home as well as blocking out natural light. Even having heavy block out curtains pushed to the side of your window can partially block out natural lighting into the space. If you want to increase the natural light into your home, remove heavy drapes and block out curtains all-together from your windows and replace them with a slim line blackout blind instead.

natural lighting - cut back shrubs and bushes

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

2. Cut back trees and shrubs outside your windows

Trees and shrubs outside your home can also obstruct natural lighting from entering your home. Cutting back trees and shrubs can make all the difference allowing natural light to flood the space.

natural lighting - clean windows

Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

3. Clean your windows

Cleaning your windows until they are sparkling can make all the difference to the natural light that enters your home. Even a thin film of dust which may not be immediately visible to the naked eye can cut out a considerable amount of natural light. A regular clean of all your external windows can make all the difference.

natural lighting - use mirrors

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

4. Use strategically placed Mirrors

Adding mirrors in strategic positions around your home can help to draw in natural light and bounce it to spots within your space that would not normally receive natural lighting. Position a mirror at the right height and angle to redirect natural light coming in from external windows will increase the overall light within the space and give your home a whole new feel.

natural lighting - use reflective surfaces

5. Use reflective surfaces

Mirrors is just one way to draw in natural lighting. Reflective surfaces are another way to expand on this idea and draw extra lighting into your space. Reflective cabinetry, flooring and accessories are just a few simple ways you can increase the light and ambience in what would otherwise be a dark space.

natural lighting - The Block 2017

Frosted hallway door in Josh and Elyse’s home – The Block 2017

6. Make good use of your glass selection

When selecting your external windows, there are several options you can choose for the glazed component and your selection will make the world of difference to the amount of lighting entering your home. Clear glass will allow for the maximum amount of light to enter your space, while frosted or textured glass can help to bring in light while still offering a degree of privacy.

natural lighting - use lighter paint

Photo by Breather on Unsplash

7. Use lighter paint

Painting a room in darker colours can make an already dark space even darker, while electing to paint the space in lighter tones can help to increase natural lighting into the space. Play around with different tones and hues in you wall paints to achieve the best overall result for your space.

natural lighting - use contrast to play with light

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

8. Use contrast

Using contrast within your space can really help to play with the natural light entering your space. If done effectively a combination of both light and dark elements within a room can effectively alter the natural lighting to create the perfect ambience within the space.

natural lighting - skylights - The Block 2017

Skylights in Sticks and Wombat’s Loft Apartment – The Block 2017

9. Install Skylights

When you think about natural lighting, people often only thing about the windows within your walls, however, there is another fantastic way to allow natural light within the space and that is through the use of skylights. Skylights come in a whole range of shapes and styles and you can even use skylights that don’t just let in the light but can be opened to allow fresh air in as well.

10. Install solar tubes

Solar tubes are another form of skylight that allows you to redirect natural light through your roof cavity into a dark space. Solar tubes are a very effective way to introduce lighting into a wardrobe, pantry or smaller room within your house that does not have external windows and skylights are not an option.

natural lighting window placement

11. Use your window placement effectively

This is a great tip for anyone who is in the process of building a new home or renovating an older home. Window placement is an important element to look at to ensure you are achieving maximum impact within your home. Moving your windows along the wall or switching a half height window for a full height window can make the world of difference when it comes to natural lighting within your home.

12. Add additional windows or glass panels

Another great tip if your home is currently under construction or you are renovating. Consider adding extra glass panels to increase the natural lighting within your space. A perfect way to lighten up a hallway or entry way is to add a fixed glass panel alongside the front door or along the top of an external wall. The lighting difference can be significant.

natural lighting - glass door - The Block 2017

Glass external door in Josh and Elyse’s laundry – The Block 2017

13. Replace solid doors with glass doors

Another quick and easy way to increase natural lighting within your home is to replace your solid doors with doors that have glazing panels. A solid front door replaced with one that has glass panels inserted can allow light to flood into your entry way. Replacing solid internal doors with glass doors can also increase the ambient light levels within your home significantly, even if those glass panels are frosted or obscured glass.

14. Widen hallways and openings

Not quite as easy as replacing doors and windows, but if you have the ability to widen any hallways during construction of renovations, then it’s definitely worth doing, especially if your main goal is to increase natural light within your home.

15. Enhance natural lighting with recessed lighting

Unfortunately, there are some areas within your home that is almost impossible to introduce natural lighting to. These areas can include basements, walk in cupboards and alcoves. Enhancing these areas with recessed lighting can be the next best thing. Recessed lighting increases the light to a space without adding excess glare.


We’d love to see and hear about ways in which you have increased the natural lighting within your home. Share your stories in the comments below or follow the conversation over on our Facebook page.

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Style My Space

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